Christmas Eve was at the Sister-In-Law's. It was a good visit with cousins, nieces and such. There was too much food as usual, so much that some didn't even make it out. It went well.
Christmas Day was a visit with the Websters, my cousins. There was plenty of good food, some of which still didn't make it out. It was a good visit and Matthew greatly added to the entertainment with his Droid phone. If you happen to have a Droid, download the free talking cat app and tap the screen over the kittys crotch. That's good for an hours entertainment right there. More loot, the popcorn is good and I like the tin.
After the Websters left it was off to Christmas Day at the Mother-In-Laws. More good visiting and more loot. The Autobiography of Mark Twain Vol. 1 will take even me a year to read. I hope this isn't a 10 volume set. I'll have to bring in contractors to reinforce the floor. My SIL obviously remembered the cheese plate that I ordered on one of our trips to Las Vegas. The cheese assortment she gave me will be well enjoyed.
Our Christmas meal was excellent, a fine pork roast with mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. A special thanks for the San Pelligrino. I enjoyed that with my meal.
The Tube has been full of adds and commentators whining about Christmas sales being essential to our economy. WeNeedToSpendOurWayBackToProsperity!!!! No, that just isn't important. What's important is celebrating a Birthday with family. That's what's good.
Please don't feel slighted if I didn't mention your gift but given the the amount of loot, it would be tedious to read. Also, why give criminals a list to work from? For our North Carolina readers, Yes I know that Jesus was actually born at a different time of year and the Church just co-opted the pagan holiday of Saturnaila. Just eat your Spam and let the rest of us have fun.
Given the religious nature of the post, I've decided to close with a prayer.
Lord, give me enough snow to trap me on the farm for two weeks so I can enjoy the winter and get some work done but not so much as to take down the electric so I have to run the generator because that's a drag. Amen.