Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I love Thanksgiving. As a kid, it was the day we ate to excess of whatever we shot. The table would be loaded with geese, ducks and rabbits along with all the fixings. Usually, we had the Toledo end of the family out and had a great time. Mornings were given over to hunting and sometimes the afternoons as well.
It's different now. Instead of hunting, it's now days of cleaning the house. The morning is given over to last minute cleaning and cooking. The main course is turkey from the store. Much of the fixings are from the store and some not even home cooked. It's a different Toledo end of the family now but still a pretty good time.
When one is a fan of Thanksgiving, it's depressing to watch the stores skip over Thanksgiving. They all go directly from Halloween to Christmas. Yes, I know that it's all about money and Thanksgiving doesn't bring enough in to maintain their attention but I don't find it proper.
Maybe people are too well fed. Maybe food is too cheap and available to be thankful for having enough to get through to the next harvest season. Maybe that will change.