No Fulton Co. Fair for us. It happened like this. Labor Day weekend is the S.C.R.A.P. Show. That's the Sandusky Co. Restorers of Antique Power. It's a very large antique tractor show. The vendors have a lot of reproduction parts and there's a wealth of info from the old farmers there. I decided to take in all three days this time and see the fair on a weekday when it wouldn't be so crowded. Saturday went well. I even had time to watch the horse plowing with modern plows. Sunday , we walked around for a bit and then went to Perrysburg for some family time.
Monday was the auction, a chance to buy lots of useful things cheap. This year, it was fence and fenceposts for me. Even though there were four sets of auctioneers going, it would take until nightfall until they finished. I bought some fenceposts and waited until the fence would sell. I had a chair but neglected to bring food. No problem, the auction area was well supplied with food areas. I had a hot dog and a Pepsi. I had a long wait so I had another hot dog and Pepsi. Eventually, I got the fence and had to get the goods loaded up. The loading portion was not well organized. It took an hour just to get to the entrance. We finally got in and started loading. Did I mention that Stacey had purchased 800lbs of shale for her garden?
We were only able to load about half the stuff that night. We got home , I started unloading and began to experience a peculiar form of intestinal distress. I relieved it, felt ok and made it to bed. It seemed cold in the house. I was shivering. Tuesday was a work day and I didn't fell good at all. I had an install to do out in Bryan, Ohio. I just couldn't get started or stray too far from a bathroom. I was exhausted. I decided to rest a bit first. An hour and a half later, I felt ok and started out. I made it as far as Waterville when I realized it wasn't working out. I made it back to Gibsonberg and managed to talk some of the folks there into loading the last roll of fence. I got home and Stacey took my temp. It was a bit over 102 F. By now, I recognized the symptoms as food poisoning.
I had taken Wednesday off to go to the fair. Unfortunately, a family friend had died and his funeral was Wednesday. That took the morning and I wasn't feeling all that great yet, anyway. I rested the rest of the day.
Thursday was the last day of the fair and I had a doctor's appointment at the end of the day in Sandusky, the wrong direction. Actually, my appointment was on Tuesday but one of the effects of food poisoning is a substantial lowering of intelligence. That didn't work. Friday, I thought I was doing pretty well but I was still stupid. By Sunday, I think my mind cleared.
I accomplished some useful work on Sunday but unfortunately it was tomato picking. Stacey turned them into barbecue sauce and ketchup. Judging by the way she looked at me, I think if I bring anymore in that there's a real danger that they will be used as suppositories. One of the pictures show me operating our tomato processor.
The next vegetable to harvest in mass quantity is squash and do we have squash. I think there may be 30 buttercup on one vine. I'm looking forward to the Carnival squash. They are one of the few winter squash that I love to bake and eat. Stacey's big pumpkin is easily over 100lbs.
I've enclosed pictures of the duck house for Emily so she can see the Terry Gilliam influence. There's also a shot of Big Pig and a nice shot of the sheep in pasture. Just to be clear, Big Pig is a supply of future pork products. It's not a pet.