September came in to the sound of gunfire. The early goose season has started. I'm getting regular updates from my cousin Matt mostly asking where the geese are. Obviously, they're not near him. Squirrel season is open as well but I doubt I'll get out to hunt for awhile if at all.
We made it to the Wood County Fair and went to the bake goods auction. We bought a great cheesecake and a good chocolate pie. The cost was high but the money goes to the fair. There seems to be fewer animals on exhibit. We had a Pork-O-Lean sandwich, walked around for a while and headed back home for pie.
We had a great time at the Sandusky County Fair. The weather was perfect and the exhibits were excellent. We had our rib-eye sandwiches and rode the Scrambler. We try to ride the Scrambler every Sandusky County Fair. We rode the Scrambler there about 17 years ago and I decided I loved Stacey and proposed to her the next day. I suppose I should have taken into account possible brain damage related to the ride but it's worked for 16 years so far .
Canning is at a temporary halt. The last bushel (photo included) just about did Stacey in. I had to give the last bushel to Matt. I wasn't encouraged to bring ANY tomatoes into the house for awhile. The gardens are producing a few table grade tomatoes now, enough for hamburgers and such. The strawberry tomatoes are producing well now. That keeps Stacey happy. She cuts them in half, scoops out the little seed pocket and packs fresh mozzarella in it , topping it with a bit of onion. She snacks on those through the day.
Peppers are kicking in and the scallop squash are doing well. The winter squash are getting scary. The buttercup has maybe 50 squash on it and most are pretty big. The carnival squash is doing great. I should have plenty of those. Stacey's giant pumpkin is performing as advertised. It's huge and still yellow. I think it will go over 100 lbs. We've been eating watermelon from our garden and it's good. I've got a rattlesnake melon out there still growing. I hope I get to eat it while it's still warm out .
We've bought anther tractor. It's a 1952 Ford 8N that came with a bunch of equipment. I kept trying to find a pull-type plow for my H and they just aren't available. This is a small tractor but it's equipped with a 3 point hitch so I can use modern equipment. I'll see if I can make better use of the back of the farm.
The Sandusky County Antique Power Restorers show is this weekend. They'll will probably have a hundred plows I can use.
The Fulton County Fair starts this weekend. This is the county fair that more people attend than the state fair. I can taste the butterflied pork chop sandwiches now. I'll see you there.
Fantastic picture! I like your proposal story.