Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm ok. We don't know about you.

I thought I should let you know that my prostate tests have come back good. The tests showed some abnormal cells so they will give me another blood test in 2.5 months. All of you know me and so know that all I'm pretty abnormal anyway. It's a crapshoot but I'm still rolling sevens.

Yes, that's my prostate. It's big, really big. The first time I was biopsied, the doc called me in afterwards and said ” Well Jim, you don't have cancer but that's one honkin' big prostate. It's huge. I mean, it's within normal variation but if you'd been born a woman, you'd probably had a DD cup bra size.” My first thought was that if I'd been born a woman, I could have been a porn star. As it is, I can't pee worth a darn. It's just another example of life being unfair to men. It's not like you can brag about it either. You can't show it off in the locker room or by wearing tight pants as you walk down the street.
I've got a lot to do on the farm but it's really cold and I think I'll stay in.

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